Humayoun's SWA4
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last edited
by Humayoun Ahmed 9 years, 11 months ago
Usability Test Draft
- To learn if my draft is clear and concise or confusing and unclear.
- Will an undergraduate student that has never taken a microbiology course be able to understand the directions?
- Is the core structure of a lab report and what each component requires comprehendible?
- Undergraduate students who are taking a microbiology course (who also have to create handwritten lab reports in a lab notebook)
- I would ideally like to have two testers and maybe three readers. I will have one or two testers from outside of this class (individuals who will be taking microbiology or are taking microbiology)
Type of Test:
- I believe an understandability test would give me the best feedback.
- I can ask questions to see if readers can apply the information I presented in similar situations
- These instructions are written for a broad range of experiments therefore seeing if individuals can apply this knowledge in different instances would be great
- The key challenge is going to be constructing effective questions that will help me asses the understandability of an individual and to interpret the data
- Scope
- Testing: How to Write A Microbiology Lab Report on WikiHow
- Testing Draft as of Thursday 2/19/15
- Purpose
- The goal of this test is to determine the effectiveness and clearness of the set of instructions provided in the "How to Create a Microbiology Lab Report" WikiHow. When undergraduate students who are taking microbiology read the instructions, will it be clear and precise enough for the student to create an effective lab report?
- Schedule & Location
- Thursday the 19th of Feb at State Hall Room 335
- Sessions
- One session of about 15 minutes
- Equipment
- Participants
- Undergraduate students
- Taken Microbiology
- Note Taken Microbiology
- Scenarios
- 15 Minutes
- Background Questions
- Reading the dialogue (WikiHow)
- Answering questions about dialogue
- Metrics
- Background Questions
- What is your major and class ranking (sophomore, junior, etc)?
- Have you taken microbiology before?
- If not are you planning on taking microbiology?
- Ease of Use Questions
- Would you recommend this WikiHow to a friend that is taking microbiology?
- Would it benefit so that they can construct an effective lab report?
- Would they be able to easily follow the directions?
- Rate the ease of understandability for each part on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)
- Rate the ease of understandability for each core component (1-10)
- Understandability Questions
- True or False
- The first step to create an effective lab report is to take detailed notes during the experiment.
- It is not essential to gain background information before lab if your institution doesn't require you to do so.
- It is highly important that you take detailed notes about the results.
- If your results are not consistent with your neighbors, you may use their results as your own.
- If your instructor wants an expanded introduction section you do not have to follow your instructors wish.
- It is important to describe standardized tests and their meaning in the discussion section.
- If I find a method/procedure in my lab manual it is okay for me to summarize it in my lab report.
- It is okay for me to discuss my results in detail in the observation section.
- Quantitative Metrics
- I will have ease of use/understandability rankings at the end of each part
- Under the core structure of the lab report I will have a ease of use ranking for each core component
- Roles
- I will be the observer & note taker
Humayoun's SWA4
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