
Feb 10

Page history last edited by Jared 9 years, 11 months ago

On Deck:

  • Discussion/Troubleshooting WikiHow 
  • Graphics Workshop/Challenge


Due Next Class: 

  • Your WikiHow article with images


Intro to Graphics Workshop:

  • What does the textbook means by saying that “visual aids are more than just aids”?  
  • Explain, from the reader’s point of view, why technical writers should look for opportunities to use visual aids in the communications they write at work.
  • What kinds of things can a writer do to make visual aids work from the reader’s point of view? 


How to Crack an Egg with One Hand


Cracking an egg with one hand is tricky, but being able to do it will save you time, as well as impress your friends. As with everything, practice makes perfect!


Step One: Grab egg firmly in hand. Your thumb, index, and middle finger will do all the work.

Step Two: Break exactly how you would a normal egg, on a flat surface, by applying swift force downward onto the center of the egg.

Step Three: Position the egg over the skillet or bowl, and gently push up onto crack with thumb.

Step Four: Still applying pressure with your thumb, separate your thumb and middle finger so that the egg opens up and the inside falls out.


Just remember, if Rocky can break an egg with one hand, I'm pretty sure you can too!




Graphics Workshop Challenge One:


In small groups, your task will be to significantly alter the above 'cracking image' so that it is more reader-centered.


According to our current overlord, WikiHow, there are numerous ways you could complete the following tasks manipulating an image/graphic.  You will have to decide how to take on our main challenges today, which are to be completed on a team wiki page linked in today's comment box.  The main goals are to TEACH each other so that everyone in your team is comfortable enhancing an image rhetorically for an instruction set, and that each member then re-assesses the potential (1) usefulness, (2) persuasiveness, and (3) content of their own images for the project:



  1. In your group, decide on a Program (or a couple) that you all have interest in learning: whether it is as simple as Word, 'Paint' (PC),  or 'Paintbrush' (Mac's very awful version), or a somewhat more challenging free or packaged program like Photoscape (nice and easy),Google Sketchup (does 3D), Skitch (super easy, and for use on Ipads, via Evernote), GimpPhotoshopiMovie, (etc.).  Take some time to consider which programs look (1) easy enough for this project, and (2) interesting enough to challenge yourself to learn.  Choose something that you're all likely to (have to or want to) use again for today's work. 
  2. Begin manipulating the 'cracking image'.  Add words and arrows to help explain the process.  Use the "Explain a Process" tutorial on p. 296 and see this example to borrow some ideas.
    1. Use a line or curve tool to add arrows.
    2. Add words in a box (if possible) to explain several steps or motions (at least two).  See the examples on p. 296 and p. 302. 
  3. On a wiki page, integrate the graphic in an appropriate place in the four step instruction set.
  4. Add a one or two sentence introduction to your graphic (using "Guideline 1" on p. 308). 
  5. Cite the graphic in A.P.A. style. 
  6. Test your ability to add this image to one of your WikiHow sites. Ensure each member of your group can upload this type of image to WikiHow and format it with page design that helps achieve the goals of the instruction set (this is important for authors with substantial work with images, and for those simply providing 'eye candy' to help "unify a long communication visually").   
  7. After the workshop, each author should individually write a brief "post-Graphic Workshop statement" on their roster about the images they will include, and how they will manipulate them to enhance their potential (1) usefulness, (2) persuasiveness, and (3) content (see Anderson p. 340 for comments on each consideration).  


Comments (7)

Kristen Dolgos said

at 10:23 am on Feb 10, 2015

Aiman Alqaatabi said

at 10:28 am on Feb 10, 2015

Humayoun Ahmed said

at 10:30 am on Feb 10, 2015

Crackpot Egg: http://1wayne3050.pbworks.com/w/page/92562324/Flaming%20Marshmallow%20Egg

Ashley, Justin, Brian, & Humayoun

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