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Kristen's Project 2 Planning Guide

Page history last edited by Kristen Dolgos 9 years, 7 months ago


  • Obvious Goal: How to do makeup like Kim Kardashian. The instructions will be simple, easy to read, and include pictures for each step.
  • Persuasive Goal: The steps will include inexpensive products to replace the high-end ones celebrities use (information readers can only receive if they read all the instructions. They will also include extra little tips after each instruction set for more incentive.


Analysis of Intended Readers 

 What will these instructions help me do?

  • They will provide a step-by-step process on how to achieve Kim Kardashian's makeup look inexpensively.   

Is there anything special I need to know to be able to use these instructions effectively?

  • You need to know basic makeup skills, like types of makeup (primer, foundation, mascara, etc.) and different types of brushes. You should also know what brands and colors of makeup work best for you so that you can change up the look to suit your face.

If I'm working with equipment, where are the parts I need to use?

  • There won't be any equipment. 

What materials, equipment, and tools do I need?

  • Basic makeup supplies. I will include specific brands that I like and similar brands in the tutorial.
    • Primer, liquid foundation, concealer, powders, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, highlighter, bronzer, lip stick. 
  • A variety of brushes.
    • Blush, powder, blending, concealer, eye shadow. 

Once I'm ready to start, what exactly do I do?

  • Start with a clean face and gather the materials listed. Follow each step chronologically and adapt the makeup style to your specific face.

Something isn't working correctly. How do I fix it?

  • Don't stress; makeup doesn't always turn out how you want it. If you can't correct the problem with blending or coverage, just wash your face and start over.


Analysis of WikiHow Community 

  • How to apply an every-day 5 minute makeup. 
    • Both my page and this page show easy steps on how to apply makeup. My page will just have a different purpose: to look like someone else after it's complete. 
    • I liked how this took the process step by step and included images for every step.
    • I do wish each step included a picture of the face and how they applied the product, not just the product itself. 
  • How to do makeup like... 
    • I liked that this page was doing makeup for a specific person/event like my page will be.
    • The steps were vague and need more explanation than, "Read this page to learn how to apply makeup". 
    • To be an effective page, it needs to include more detail in the instructions. 


  • I am familiar with makeup brands and how to apply them, so I don't need to research that. I may look up different techniques for alternatives if people have a different face shape or complexion than myself. This will make the instructions valuable to more people as well. I will also try to see what brands Kim Kardashian uses just to include those alternatives, and I may watch "How To" videos on people who have already tried this look.



  • Before you begin.
    • Wash your face and moisturize it.
  • Face.
    • Apply oil-free primer. 
    • Apply foundation.
    • Apply concealer.
    • Lock in concealer by putting powder on the concealed parts.
    • Apply the same powder all over.
  • Cheeks.
    • Apply blush.
  • Eyes.
    • Use eye shadow primer.
    • Create a smokey eye (will include steps on how-to).
    • Add eyeliner and smudge.
    • Create a cat eye with liquid eyeliner (will include steps).
  • Highlight/Contour.
    • Use highlighter to radiate high points (bridge of nose, on top of cheek bones, eyebrow bone).
    • Use bronzer to create definition (sides of forehead, sides of nose, under lip, under cheekbones and jaw). 
  • Lips
    • Apply lip primer. 
    • Apply lip liner.
    • Apply lipstick. 


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