
Jeshawn's Project 2 Planning Guide

Page history last edited by Jeshawn Chrite 9 years, 10 months ago

Definition of a Wikihow's goals:  There are two goals to consider when making a wikihow. My first goal with any set of instructions I create is to guide the reader in whatever he or she is trying to do. My second, not-so-apparent goal is to be clear and concise enough to be considered trustworthy and reliable. By achieving these people will come with questions that pertain to other topics, proving my credibility.

Intended Readers: When readers pore over the instructions to do something they will want everything they need to know answered; such is the case with any "how-to-do". For example, if I write an instruction manual on how to build a coffee table people are going to expect all the parts (or at least where to find them, as well as what they are), how exactly to do what is needed (pictures help a great deal for this part), what NOT to do, what to do when something fails, and any special knowledge needed before handling.

Wikihow Analysis: One common thing that any set of instructions found on wikihow has is a specific order in regards to what must be done. There are often graphics, making things easier to follow, and even alternative instructions. This is all good, but there are also a few disadvantageous things people do. Such an example would be the humorous pictures--if you're dealing with a complex set of rules as to how something must be built then a comic strip about things crumbling to pieces is not a good idea to add to the page. In fact, one should add pictures that are relevant to the topic in order to reinforce the point being made. Another common error includes elaboration. Mind you, a simple set of instructions is good for getting straight to the point, but such can be the exact opposite of beneficial when the topic is naturally complex. Detail must be added when necessary, nothing more or less. My page won't be too detailed, but it will have helpful little photos so that what I'm conveying is easier to understand.

Research: There's no better way to do research than to actually immerse yourself with what is being studied--and by that I mean physically procuring the evidence. Videos, a book or two and a website aren't hard to find when it comes to building, well... anything! Also, there's no problem with proving you have the experience by actually constructing the object and showing that it works as it must. Research is proof, as would be showing and citing the first-hand experience.

How to Build a Roasting BBQ Pit This is a draft of my how-to.


This is a potential graphic for the instruction list. It gives a basic example of what a fire pit is supposed to look like, both underground and above ground. I drew it myself with a pencil and paper, using no straight-edge (that will probably change when I design the real thing). I thought of what I would like to see if I was learning how to build a BBQ pit and decided that this would be the most useful.

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