
AIman's SWA 3

Page history last edited by Aiman Alqaatabi 9 years, 11 months ago

Wayne State University

English 3050


To        Jared Grogan

From   Aiman Alqaatabi

Date   1/30/2015

Subject Results of Workshop and Peer Feedback for Project One


My initial cover letter was very minimal. My peers helped direct me towards the right and proper construction of an acceptable cover letter. My resume needs a little more skills and experiences. My webpage layout needs to be organized and have an easy navigating layout.



Workshop Results

In my cover letter, for instance, I forgot to ask for an interview at the end of the letter. I also had not included all the main components of a cover letter, which Anderson depicts on page 48. My resume was very brief. It lacked the specific detail needed in an effectible resume. For example, when I listed my work experience. I neglected to include the knowledge and skills I have acquired from these occupations.  My webpage was just an edited Honors 1000 portfolio that was tailored to fit the requirements of this project. On this webpage, my honors paper was my second tab. This was not effective because it deterred focus on the more important aspects of a portfolio, like the resume and experiences.


Revision Strategies and Procedures

The most effective revision strategy was to reread my cover letter multiple times. I was able to extrapolate my strengths and weaknesses. I was able to omit features that weakness my letter, and at the same time add features that were essential for a successful cover letter. When revising my resume I was looking for keywords that help my resume stand out. I determined that my resume was a skills based resume and it was listed chronologically. My webpage was just an edited Honors 1000 portfolio that was tailored to fit the requirements of this project. On this webpage, my honors paper was my second tab. This was not effective because it deterred focus on the more important aspects of a portfolio, like the resume and experiences.


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