
Claudio's SWA 3

Page history last edited by Claudio Bryla 9 years, 11 months ago



To          Dr. Jared Grogan

From      Claudio D. Bryla

Date       January 30, 2015


Subject   Results of Workshop and Peer Feedback for Project One


After reviewing the feedback given to me from the first workshop, I found that my cover letter requires the most revision and that my resume requires some review and restructuring, whereas my online portfolio requires little to no intervention. 


Workshop Results

The workshop feedback given to me provided a thorough review of my work and a variety of suggested revisions. The feedback mentioned that I made no direct connection to the position I am applying for in my cover letter. It also mentioned I did not provide specific examples of how my contributions can benefit the employer. The feedback also suggested I work on showing more enthusiasm. My contact information is also absent from the top of my cover letter. The feedback for my resume suggested that it requires some restructuring, such as re-organizing my work experience from most recent to least recent. It also suggested I use action verbs too heavily. Otherwise, the feedback stated that I met all of the other requirements for my cover letter and resume. The comments on my online portfolio were all positive and stated that there was no need to make any changes.


Revision Strategies and Procedures

I will be tackling the cover letter first because it requires the most revision. I will need to read my cover letter and find where I can make modifications to make direct connections between my credentials and the requirements of the position stated in the job listing. I will also need to make modifications to the cover letter that address how I can benefit the employer by relating some of my attributes to the employer’s values and goals which I can find by doing more employer research. I will then focus on making my cover letter sound more enthusiastic by stating my personal interest in the position and employer. I will also include details I missed in the cover letter, such as my address. Following this, my resume requires some re-ordering in the work experience section. I will also read through my resume and see if I can omit or modify some action verbs which I use too frequently according to the feedback given. Since the feedback for my online portfolio was positive and did not state any problems, I will not need to make any revisions. Lastly, I will review my cover letter, resume and online portfolio once more using the criteria we used in the workshop, since it’s a very thorough review of the project requirements and because the practice I’ve had reviewing the work of others will allow me to better review my own work.


I will make the revisions stated and complete project one by the deadline.


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