  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Squarespace, brief tutorial and resources

Page history last edited by Austin Hunt 9 years, 8 months ago




Overview and Strengths: (Full Feature List)


  • Easy to use templates
  • Built in Analytics
  • Built in E-commerce
  • Built-in mobile websites
  • Customizable content layouts 



Square space reviews:


I've used Squarespace for over a year now. And I couldn't be happier having tried WIX and Weebly before. While there is room for improvements, I would give it 4-star for now.

-By Kraven on July 02 2013


First of all, I have to thank Steve for his Squarespace review. It spurred me to try Squarespace and I have to say that I can't imagine any of the other builders I've considered working as well. His review is spot on; I'd have given Squarespace a 4.5 if I'd been able to.

-By Geoff on February 14 2013





Step-by-Step Setup:



  1. Choose a template.




     2. Choose a template design flavor.




     3. Create your account.




    4. Design your space.




Squarespace Video Tutorials


24 SquareSpace  Portfolio  Examples






Our Review After Creating a Site:


Squarespace.com was a friendly user site. Once the user access the site, selecting your page is very easy. First you select a portfolio template of your choice. The site will ask to create an account just using first and last name along with an email and a password. Once account is created you have automatic access to your page where you can start visually editing.





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