
Lauren Skills Analysis

Page history last edited by Lauren Harmon 10 years ago

1.What does Anderson say are the three key things Employers look for?  (p.25) How will your C.V. provide these?

  • Employers want to hire people who can perform their jobs adeptly with a minim of job training.
  • Supporting abilities- Time management, and project management skills, among others
  • Personal qualities-Very motivated, self directed, responsible individuals, also people who work well with other employees.

I will provide my resume with the job fields I have knowledge in to give my furture employer an idea of where I used to work to at and the types of tasks I provided.

I list my skills including what I could offer the job.

As well as personal qualities like how I am goal-oriented, and how I work well in groups.

How employers read resumes

  • Pouring over a page
  • skimming
  • Initial screening spending less than a minute looking at your resume seeing what stands out to them
  • Detailed examination- Resumes that pass the initial screening are forwarded to managers. These readers know exactly what qualifications are desired
  • Prepartation for in-depth interviewing- resumes that pass the second stage are then treated with great care, and usually involve a series of questions.





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