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Justin Bongiorno's Introductory Email

Page history last edited by Justin Bongiorno 9 years, 8 months ago

Dear Dr. Jared Grogan,


My name is Justin Bongiorno. I am an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science at Wayne State University. I believe attending the Technical Communication course that you offer will be very beneficial to me as I continue through my academic career and will certainly carry value as I continue working toward my future career goals. Once I graduate with my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, I plan to work in the Information Technology department for Beaumont Health System.


I have spent the past six years studying for courses directed toward a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, with plans to advance to medical research. After years of becoming immersed in the field of medicine, I found that it was not the right path for me. Studying medicine did seem practical, and although I excelled in it, I lacked passion for it.  After having such realization I stepped back, recognized that I have always had interest in computers and how they work, and made the decision to change my major to Computer Science.


I worked as a laboratory assistant in the Department of Microbiology at Troy Beaumont Hospital, which helped me to see how important it is to be able to produce well-written documents for many purposes. In my experience in the laboratory, writing letters and e-mails was an integral component of the job. Whether it was documenting an explanation as to why a test could not be performed on a patient's specimen, or for relaying any changes that were taking place in the laboratory to other employees, there was most certainly always a need to communicate effectively to other employees inside and outside of the department.  The need for producing concise and understandable documents continues to be essential, as the majority of companies and institutions are continually evolving.


I have worked on my resume over the years, but have always felt that my resume has not provided true representation of what I have to offer. I am uncertain of where I will hold a long-term career in the future, but I am certain that producing a resume that stands out will be incredibly important in attaining my career goals. I am hoping to learn how to create an effective resume in the near future, and I feel that this course will greatly help me in doing so.


Courses I have excelled at most in my academic career have consistently been mathematics and chemistry. Courses I have struggled with most have been English and history. As a writer, I feel that I have the ability to explain ideas, theories, and processes quite well, but I do have a tendency to over explain things. In my past experience writing laboratory reports for my science courses, I found that I had consistently created reports that were much longer than the reports that most of my classmates had created. Whenever I would ask my classmates how long it took them to finish any assignment, I generally found that I spent a much greater amount of time working on the assignment. I have always been an obsessive perfectionist when it comes to what I am working on, which ends up causing me to put in a significant amount of time into my work.


I believe that I have a great ethics when it comes to any task I am presented with. I always put my heart and soul into whatever it is that I am working on. I have always been a very analytical person and I take great pride in my ability to solve problems. Once I am presented with a problem, I generally become somewhat obsessive and find it very difficult to walk away from the problem until I find a solution. My academic path has most certainly been unconventional, but I feel that the experiences I have had along the way have allowed me to see things that most have not. These experiences have made me very diverse, which I strongly believe will give me the opportunity to bring new ideas and perspectives to whatever it is that the future may hold. I am looking forward to hearing back from you and I hope that this upcoming semester is a great one!




Justin Bongiorno, Undergraduate Student

Wayne State University

College of Engineering

Department of Computer Science

Detroit, MI 48202

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