
Safayeth's Introductory Email

Page history last edited by Safayeth Khan 10 years ago

Dear Jared,

I am composing this email seeking registration permission for ENG 3050 : Technical Communication I: Reports.

According to my adviser ENG 3050 course is a requirement for my major in Electrical Engineering. I did not know this until it was very late in the registration period. Therefore, most of the other required classes are either full or does not go along with my schedule. ENG 3050 course is the last available class for which I need your permission. Otherwise, I will not have 12 credit hours and would lose my financial aid for this semester.

I believe that I am an average writer. My strength in writing is that I can come up with a good idea really fast and my weakness is that I am not the best at using proper grammar. This is another reason why I need this course to improve my writing skills.

What I can offer this course is commitment. I may be quiet in class and not participate as much but I am committed, motivated and I get my work done on time. I believe that this will be a fun course and hope that I have your permission to register for the course.

Safayeth Khan, Student
Wayne State University

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